Travel with us
Our vision of humanitarianism
Humanitarianism is about reaching out to others in need.
There are many ways to do good around you.
Through HHH, you have the opportunity to contribute in different ways to humanitarian projects around the world with our partner countries.
How to participate?
1. Think you can share an idea or talent with children? Then the next part is for you!
2. Fill in the registration form with your travel preferences by clicking here.
3. We will then contact you to study your profile.
4. You will go in groups of 4 to 6 volunteers maximum (with family, friends, etc.).
5. It will be necessary to provide 1000 to 2000 euros, depending on the destination. This budget will allow us to organize your stay and cover all expenses (important contacts on site, insurance, interventions, flights, accommodation, food, etc.).
6. You will need to find a sponsor (company or individual) to contribute up to 1000 euros. In step 3, we will help you in the process of finding your sponsor.
Back to our last missions…
Voyage humanitaire au Bénin 2023 : étapes du voyage et projets de soutien sur le long cours
En 2022, l’équipe de bénévoles de l’association Hip-Hop Human iTerre s’envolait pour le Bénin, dans le but de rencontrer des personnes qui consacrent leur vie mais aussi parfois leurs économies à aider les enfants en difficulté. Pour HHH, le but est de soutenir ces...
Voyage humanitaire au Bénin : des valeurs riches mises au profit d’un objectif commun
Après plusieurs voyages dans différents pays, l’équipe de Hip Hop Human iTerre s’est envolée en 2022 pour le Bénin avec, déjà, le regard tourné vers les enfants vivant sur place, sans se douter à ce moment-là qu’ils rencontreront, au cours de ce voyage, plus de 500...
Humanitarian trip Nepal : Second trip to share the passion of dance with children
Nepal, a SouthAsian country, located betweenIndia and Tibet, is known for its Mount Everest, its numerous temples and the various tourist activities it offers. The country has several dozenethnicities and castes, constituting a great diversity. But although the number...